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NOVEMBER 12, 2013

These minutes are subject to approval by the Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission.


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Boritz, DiNicola, Crick Owen, and Brookes  
Commission Members absent: Barczak and Yanni Jr.
Staff present: Mangold, Samuelson and Reggiano
Staff absent: None
Public:  Marianne Brown, Gene Citrano, Rich Dieckman, Randy Dieckman, Mandy Beckett, and Barbara Toomey


(m/s/c: Boritz/DiNicola)  “Motion to accept the minutes from the October 8, 2013 meeting.” The motion passed unanimously.


  • Rich Dieckman from the Fairfield County Captains baseball team submitted a Facility Use Request for field time for the coming 2014 season. His request was for two teams this year.  He is requesting one slot Tuesday night, Thursday night and Saturday or Sunday afternoon for a double header.  A total of 4 time slots .Mr. Dieckman’s request was for field time from April 1 – November 15.  Chairman Marks explained that that is considered two separate seasons’ spring and fall. Surcharge and rosters would be due for both seasons. Chairman Marks told Mr. Dieckman that they would be entitled to the same time that Babe Ruth Baseball gets for the same age group (13/14 yr olds) as long as all requirements are met.  If they are met then Mr. Dieckman would be required to attend the spring field scheduling meeting and again attend the fall field scheduling meeting.  Fairfield County Captains would be playing under the AABC (American Amateur Baseball Congress).  This league holds a world series, a state tournament and a 4th of July tournament. Half of thegames played by these teams would be played at home on 90’ fields. Chairman Marks told Mr. Dieckman that the Commission will review the request and will address the request at the next Commission meeting. Chairman Marks addressed the issue of multiple field time change requests this past season.  We cannot accommodate constant time/date request changes. Mr. Dieckman told the Commission that the scheduling should be smoother under this new league.  Parent Mandy Beckett spoke in support of the request.

  • Commissioner Brookes gave Director Mangold a copy of a Letter to the Editor sent to the Newtown Bee from James Gaston thanking Parks and Recreation Maintainers, Joe Freebairn and Lou Otero for putting out a small fire in front of his house on Main Street. He was very appreciative of their actions.

  • Chairman Marks reported that he and Director Mangold went to the Fairfield Hills Authority with the finished version of their vision for the Fairfield Hills Master Plan prepared by Stantec.  The Plan was very well received by the Authority. Director Mangold was asked to gather the numbers for the amount of people that use the fields at Fairfield Hills. Chairman Marks will distribute the presentation to the Commissioners. The Fairfield Hills Authority has put the Parks and Recreation Trails Committee in charge of the trail project at Fairfield Hills.
  • Chairman Marks also reported that Planning & Zoning had an amendment put forth to have a discussion for mixed use of housing on the second floor of buildings and at Cochran House at Fairfield Hills, which is subject to a public hearing. Commissioner Brookes commented that the Parks and Recreation commission is very lucky to have Chairman Marks to refer to for history on Fairfield Hills. Assistant Director Samuelson commented that fields are an approved use of wetlands.


  • Assistant Director’s Reggiano and Samuelson have been attending design meetings for the new Sandy Hook School. Assistant Director Samuelson reported that the soccer field at the old school was too small for the Soccer Club to use in their Southwest District so the field has not been used in a few years.  We need to put a field there that can host games for the kids that go to the school and can play on in the Southwest District.  If they do not put a new field at the school then one would have to be built – but it would not come out of the funding for the new school.  They should replace both the soccer and baseball fields with age appropriate fields. Assistant Director Samuelson is working with the engineers.

  • See attached report.
  • Assistant Director Samuelson reported that he is waiting on the contractors for the Dog Park. The fence is being installed.
  • We are awaiting the new acrylic basketball backboards to be delivered for Treadwell basketball courts as well as the padding for the poles.
  • Public Works are supposed to be blacktopping the driveway at the Dickinson Park.  They have $46,000.00 from a grant to blacktop this area. This will probably be in the spring. They are supposed to also blacktop the parking area for the Dog Park.
  • There is a new work order system in place which will include tablets in each vehicle so that each Maintainer would have the tools to report issues, take photos and communicate with each other.  They would also be able to close out open work orders.  

  • Assistant Director Reggiano reported that the 8 & under Halloween party was great. Parents were very appreciative for the party. 70 bags of candy were donated for trick-or-treating on Main Street.  The 5/6 grade Halloween party was sold out (100 children) 75 of them showed up.  Parent volunteers loved it. The kids had a great time. The Howl-o-ween dog party had 55 dogs show up and everyone had a great time.  $244.00 was raised for the dog park.
  • Breakfast with Santa will have representative (Kathy Quinn) from The Sustainable Energy Commission about Solarize Newtown at the event this year.
  • On Saturday, November 16, Assistant Director Reggiano will host the 21st Annual Turkey Shoot at the Middle School.  Funds raised will go toward the Camp Scholarship.
  • The Winter Preview is almost complete. We already have a start on the Spring and Summer Preview.


  • Assistant Director Reggiano reported that she is working on the details for the public to be able to purchase an engraved brick for the Dog Park on line.  
  • The agility equipment has been installed.
  • Four of six benches purchased for the park have been installed and the final grading has been done.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano told the Commission that it has been a pleasure to work on this project with Assistant Director Samuelson.
  • The grand opening will be this coming spring.  All who have donated will be invited to the opening.
  • Signs will be posted in the park to ask pet owners to clean up after their dog as well as signage that the splash pad is only for dogs, no private training lessons and that the agility equipment is for dogs only.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano presented the Commission with a complete set of Dog Park Rules. The commission reviewed the rules and asked to have the above signage added to the list of Park rules.

  • Director Mangold told the Commission that she could compile the issues from the survey that could be addressed in the renewal letter that goes out in December to boat slip renters. The Commission discussed improvement items that were going to be addressed in upcoming CIP spending in the years 2015/16 and 2017/18. Assistant Director Samuelson suggested in the mean time we could purchase parking bumpers (approximately $100.00 each) to help with lining up parking spaces at the site.  There would be 43 parking spaces.  They could then be reused once the parking lot is complete. The parking issue and the restroom issues would both be addressed in the CIP. Commissioner Brookes reported that renters where happier with the security that is present now then they where three years ago.
  • Operating expenses for Eichler’s Cove all have to be paid out of the Eichler’s Cove Special Revenue account (lights, security company, porta potties, garbage removal and repairs). It was noted that for a couple of years lifeguards where paid out of this account and this used up a large portion of extra funds that otherwise would have accumulated and put toward projects for the site.  The fees paid by renters are to maintain the facility as they see it. Director Mangold will get further information on the expenses for the facility.  Funds are not accruing fast enough to pay for large improvements. Once security cameras are in place the overnight security company will no longer be needed. This should happen over the next couple of years.  This will generate more revenue.
  • The Commission agreed to stop giving the $50.00 early registration discount this year for boat renters.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano asked if we could possibly put in a bagged ice machine for the patrons.  Wardens would then be responsible for collecting payments.


(m/s/c:  DiNicola/Crick Owen/) “Motion to accept the Parks and Recreation meeting schedule for 2014 as revised.” The motion passed unanimously.

  • The November 2014 Commission meeting will move to Tuesday, November 18, 2014, the second Tuesday of November is Veterans Days which is a Town holiday.

(m/s/c: Crick Owen/DiNicola)  “Motion to approve the Summer Fees for 2014 as presented.” The motion passed unanimously.


  • Tabled.

  • Tabled.

  • Commissioners Brookes and Boritz both attended the ground breaking ceremony for the new playground at Dickinson Park. Director Mangold was very pleased that they attended.


  • The 2014/15 budget will be worked on at the December Commission meeting.  Assistant Director Samuelson presented the Commission with a list of Capital Expenses for the Department.  This list is in prioritized order. The Commission reviewed and discussed the list. Most of the discussion was centered on the request for two new vehicles (trucks).  Assistant Director Samuelson reminded the Commission that he took out the request for a vehicle last year to keep the increase at a lower rate.  The average age for the vehicles is 6.8 years old but to remember that we always have a twelve year old vehicle.  We do not want the average age of our vehicles to be 8 or 9 years old.  He also reported that a mini renovation has been completed on a 2003 vehicle.  It is also not uncommon to have multiple vehicles out of service at the same time.  These vehicles are also used to plow multiple schools and town buildings during a snow storm.  The Board of Education gives Parks and Recreation $18,000.00 for snow plowing overtime each year.  This total has not changed in 10 years and it only covers labor.  Having the snow plowing contracted out might be an option. Chairman Marks asked Assistant Director Samuelson how much it would cost to plow the schools.  We would have to find a contractor that has the man power to have all 7 schools and all town buildings plowed in the very early morning hours.  Director Samuelson told the Commission it would be more cost effective for Parks and Recreation to plow. But that $18,000.00 is not a reasonable amount to cover our costs.  If we do not get to buy trucks we would have to bid out snow plowing. Director Mangold will send out, before the next meeting, a list of Capital Projects. One project that should be considered is installing lighting detection equipment at each field; it is already in place at Fairfield Hills and Treadwell Park. The cost is between $3,000.00 and $3,500.00 for each location.
(M/s/c: Crick Owen /Brookes)  “Motion to adjourn.”  The motion passed unanimously.   
The meeting ended at 8:37pm.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson
Commission Clerk

NOVEMBER 12, 2013

(m/s/c: Boritz/DiNicola)  “Motion to accept the minutes from the October 8, 2013 meeting.” The motion passed unanimously.

(m/s/c:  DiNicola/Crick Owen/) “Motion to accept the Parks and Recreation meeting schedule for 2014 as revised.” The motion passed unanimously.

(m/s/c: Crick Owen/DiNicola)  “Motion to approve the Summer Fees for 2014 as presented.” The motion passed unanimously.

(m/s/c: Crick Owen /Brookes)  “Motion to adjourn.”  The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna M. Benson